martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009

Carlos Román Ferrer

He is born in Ibiza, in Dalt Vila On August 5 of 1.887.He is born in a family of middle class, which in Ibiza it can be said that it was high for lack of qualified nobility and big fortunes. Her father was don Juan Roman and Calvet,Inhabitant of Ibiza, attorney who was in her moment Mayor of the City and Deputy of the Congraso, enthusiast of the archaeology. His mother, dona Vicenta ferrer Wallis prototype of moral strength, of entirety, of beginning, of rigor. In her family he reigned always a religious, catholic and intellectual environment. A foreign language and the Frenchman knew all to the perfection. It was read very much and was studied very much.He was an extraordinary and practical archeologist. Her uncle Francisco Buforn was the initiator of her skills archaeological. Where the quality, the intuition is verified, the proffesionalidad, the common sense, it is in the excabaciones that he realized with love, with dedication and eagerly.The Archaeological Society carried out. We can know her fruits thanks to the memories that of the same ones it published Excavations Top Junta and Antiquities. He excavated the Puig des Molins in 1.913. In 1917 there began the excavations of Cove D'Hort, where they were hipogeos. Her excabaciones contributed sufficient material to fill several museums.He exercised the archaeology hotly, fondness and disinterest.Carlos Roman Ferrer was liberal. He was agreeing sincerely with the liberal beginning.In 1916 he was elected A Deputy to the Congress by the Liberal party, naturally.He was reelected in the choices of 1918,1919 and 1923, or up to the Dictatorship of Cousin of Rivera, with which he refused to collaborate. With it her politicalcareer was truncated. Her adversaries were the conservatives first and then the dissident fraction of the own party that was restored in Balearics under Juan March y Ordinas's sponsorship.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

He was born in Palm in 1825 was poet and linguist. Son of a family chueta of good economic position, her interest for the Catalan culture woke up from her youth. He went to study loier in Barcelona when the renaissance was fashionable. He was one of the founders of the Renaixença. He was the director of the Provincial Library of Valencia. Later, he directed the Library of Barcelona. Published a great number of classic works of the Catalan literature, being read by multiple readers. From the investigation and of the fieldwork in the territories where Catalan speaks himsel he gathered a great quantity of lexicographical material, which assembled in his her Diccionari Aguiló. Also he wrote a popular Collection of ballads.

He died in 1897.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009